A much-needed sanctuary for women experiencing homelessness

The 18 Keys Project led by St Martin-in-the-Fields Trust has raised £2.2m to make a vital new sanctuary for women with long term experience of street homelessness in London.  This is a very rare residential facility helping more women onto the road to recovery and independence.

Every night a woman sleeps rough is a night too many. The 18 Keys project is providing safe, stable accommodation, giving women the space and support they need to recover and become independent again.

Women sleeping rough are more likely than men to have fled physical and sexual abuse. But they’re less likely to receive the support they need. 18 Keys will provide that support for eighteen women at any one time. 

18 Keys is a redevelopment project in south London. The building is owned and managed by The Connection at St Martin’s.
Women rough sleepers may have complex mental health issues, often having fled violence, and find it harder than men to get the right support.

We’re raising funds to give women experiencing homelessness the time, space and support they urgently need.

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